Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Using Memes in Music Class

This year, I am mentoring four new music teachers in my district. When asked what my favorite trick for teaching hard concepts was, my immediate reply was, “Memes!” That may seem strange, but I swear these things are magic. A few years ago, a class was really struggling with the concept of DS Al Coda. We tried stories. We made up a rhyme. We looked at visual examples, audio examples, visual AND audio examples… nothing stuck. I made a silly meme (Grumpy Cat, I believe), suddenly every kid got the check-in questions right, and I got a new tool in my toolbox.

Bah humbug for the holidays! 

I love posting memes outside my door. If a class is early, the kids will find memes they like and talk about them. Some are rather silly, but others tie directly to concepts I will be teaching. I also went a little meme-crazy for my holiday board this year. No regrets. I highly encourage any opportunity for students to think about musical concepts, even if they are just giggling at an unfortunate T-rex as they walk by.

The first meme is mine, the second is from here. There is a PTP posting, too.

At the beginning of the year, I used memes to help explain the rules. Kids were more willing to deal with procedures when Spongebob and Grumpy Cat were involved. I have two rules: Respect and Participate. Both were explained using the memes above. 

Piano and Forte cat are always helpful!

I like to use memes to introduce concepts. It’s a good hook, and provides a visual aid you can bring up later if you need to. I have my favorite memes in a Pinterest board and use them all the time.

Are you're kids struggling with slur vs. tie? NOT ANYMORE.

Memes can also help to serve as review. I have review questions for my older kiddos as they come in. Posting a meme or a comic and asking the kids to explain the joke is an easy way to review a concept while getting students to use academic language. 

Yup. Spongebob memes galore. 

I have a Pinterest board of my favorite memes here, and use them constantly. I hope you can find one that will help a concept stick for your kids! Happy meme-ing!

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