Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lit Lesson: Listen to the Rain

One of my favorite activities when teaching dynamics is having the students create a rain storm. I start by reading the book. It walks through a rainstorm from start to finish. The book, as it is, is best to demonstrate crescendo. If I want to demonstrate a decrescendo, I read the sections in backwards order.

Students start by watching this video to see how body percussion can show a rain storm. Then we try it as I read the book. When students are confident in when and how to crescendo/decrescendo, we add in paper. I get paper I plan on recycling and crumple it up, then have students use 1-5 fingers to control dynamics.

If you have them, rain instruments are a great add-in. Students play rain sticks and ocean drums the whole time and control their volume just like the students using paper as an instrument. I have a thunder tube (that the kids LOVE) and we only add that at our loudest volume. One of the best things about this activity is you can specialize it for several grades, depending on what dynamics they know and are learning.

It is also easy to tie in a rain song somewhere in the book. Here is a list of rain songsfrom Beth’s Notes that are a good start. Movement with scarves to represent clouds, rain drops, and the sun could also be added. With additions, this book could make an excellent program.
I hope your students have a blast creating rain storms!

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