I love using
memes in my class. Kids are definitely exposed to them and love seeing ones
they recognize. They are also a great and sneaky way to get kids to make
connections. In order to get the joke, kids have to understand the concept the
meme is about and be able to apply it to the given situation. Despite having a
reputation of being only relevant to teenage geeks, memes are actually great
learning tools.
I have a
message for my past self: making a meme that is exactly what you want takes
significantly less time than google image (or Pinterest) searching for hours
and hours.
It’s surprisingly
easy. All you have to do is go to a generator (I like this one) and search for
a template image to use. Then you add your text.
I can haz piano?
Here’s what
I did to make this one: I knew I wanted a meme for the dynamic piano, so I
searched for “library” and a cute cat came up. Add in some text and you are done!
If you need a specific picture, you can download it to your computer and upload
it to the generator. I promise, it is super easy.
I use them
as a quick, 1 minute review of our previous lesson’s concepts. Kids have to
explain (in a complete sentence) what the joke is and what the term used in the
meme means. It’s much more engaging, and more rigorous, than just repeating definitions.
Here are a
few I’ve created so far.
My kids struggle with "gradually" getting louder
MEDIUM tempo! Get it? *ba dum dum ch*
I hope you
have fun creating memes! Please feel free to share in the comments!

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